Sharron I. - July 2018

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You can’t go back and change the beginning, but you can start where you are and change the ending.
— C.S. Lewis

Next month (August 2018), Sharron and I will celebrate our five-year training anniversary together. When we met at my former globo gym position, she was 65 years young and had never worked out a day in her life, but she was eager as all get out to learn how to lift weights and enjoy her retirement to the fullest by remaining active, able-bodied and independent.

Today, this former middle school math teacher makes the most of her energy traveling and keeping up with her two children and six grandchildren in Houston and Reno. She and her husband, Herb, will celebrate 50 years of wedded bliss next year and plan to embark on a Rhine River cruise in Europe next summer to celebrate! Sharron is also celebrating a milestone birthday later this month...the big 7-0!

I asked Sharron a few questions about who she is and what she's about. Here are her responses:

  • What is your current TV obsession? "Right now I'm watching 'Dexter' with my husband. We're on Season 3."

  • Who do you admire most? "Glenda Miller is an eighty-seven year old lady in my church. She is always ready to help. She has endless energy and is always joyful. She is a mighty prayer warrior."

  • What superpower would you most like to possess? "I would like to be able to fly!"

  • What three words best describe you? "Faithful, loyal and dependable."

  • If you could choose your age forever, what age would you be and why? "I like my age now. I am retired and can travel. I still have enough energy to do what I want."

  • What's your favorite food or restaurant in Austin? "That’s difficult! I guess Jack Allen’s."

  • If you were to create a slogan for life, what would it be? "When you choose to trust despite your circumstances, that’s called faith. Remember God is trustworthy."

  • What was the make and model of your very first car? "My first car was a 56 Chevy, my brother’s old car with over 200,000 miles on it."

  • If you could move anywhere in the world, where would it be? "I would pick a cooler climate like Canada maybe."

  • What's the last book you read? "I like mysteries. Just about any author; Dee Henderson is a favorite."