Brenda M. - May 2018
Brenda was one of my very first clients when I started working for 24 Hour Fitness in February 2012. That makes her my longest standing client to date! She was also a pivotal person when it came to encouraging and supporting me through my transition to girl boss, so it was a no-brainer to start with her.
This brilliant, 40-something year old is a UX Director for a marketing firm that works exclusively with non-profits. She's the mind behind their website design which helps these organizations raise more money for their causes. And while designing is her main gig, she most enjoys the analytics and research part!
She's also an avid runner who likes to travel for races. She's accrued nearly a dozen half marathons over the years and loved the New Orleans Rock 'n Roll half the most because, DUH, N'awlins! She has a bunch of 5ks and 10ks under her belt, as well.
When she's not racing or training for races, you can most likely find Brenda at a local concert. Last year alone, she went to about 10! Her attendance ranged from Dolly Parton to Foo Fighters, Brad Paisley to Depeche Mode!
I asked Brenda a few questions to help everyone know the person behind the social media avatar in our community groups.
Here are her responses:
What was the first concert you ever attended? What was the most recent? "Madonna was my first and Queens of the Stone Age was the most recent!"
What's the coolest place you've traveled to? "Costa Rica-- it was so beautiful and remote and I'm a sucker for a great beach."
Name a guilty pleasure. "An ice cream cone...and not that diet stuff. REAL ice cream from shops like Amy's or Dolce Neve!
What's your hidden talent or party trick? "I can talk to anyone. I've never met a stranger."
Name a song you know all of the lyrics to. "I'd probably need a little help, but I can usually remember all the words to Eazy-Duz-It by Eazy-E. I specifically know the beginning because my friends and I thought it was so scandalous. You didn't hear lyrics like that when I was young, so it was fantastic to scream it at the top of our lungs in the car. Aahhh, white girls...HEHE."
Name one piece of advice you'd tell your younger self. "Don't listen to people telling you who to be. You are a smart chick and need to follow your passion. And don't worry about the money-- you'll do well in the world!"
What's something you always carry with you? "Kleenex...allergies suck."
If you won the lottery, what would you do with your winnings? "I'd buy a first class ticket to Italy to buy my second thing, a beach house on the Amalfi coast!"
If money wasn't an issue and you could change careers, what would you do? "I'd work at an animal shelter. I find so much joy being around all kinds of animals. I volunteer at the local shelter and I love giving them a bit of joy as they wait for their forever homes. Hmm...maybe the third thing I'd buy with my lottery winning would be a farm so that I could adopt all the dogs and cats...and maybe some bunnies, too!"
Name a skill or talent you wish you had. "I wish I could sing. My cat, Hemi, runs away when I sing at home, sadly."